Caspian International Maritime Law Center


Caspian International Maritime Law Center


The University of Tehran approved the establishment of the Caspian International Maritime Law Center (CIMLAC) on September 16, 2024, and the members of the Center’s policy-making council were appointed consequently. The Center shall actively play a role in various legal fields relevant to the sea, including: international shipping law; accidents, collision, and damages in the sea; maritime insurance law; labor and social security law for the seafarers; construction, sale, and contracting vessels and sea installations; maritime environmental law; ports and shipping authorities rights and duties, and the like.


The Center's Objectives and Missions:


Objectives and goals

* Promotion and development of knowledge in various branches of law relevant to the sea at the university level, executive bodies, and in legislative, regulatory, and professional entities of the country and the region;

* Providing educational, research, consultation, project services, and the like at the national, regional, and international levels for governments, organizations, institutions, and companies in the public and private sectors;

* Contribution to the development of international maritime relations and interactions;

* Expanding the scientific and research communication with scholastic and international research centers through agreements and memoranda.



*To train lawyers, consultants, experts, and others interested in maritime law to work with various judicial and administrative authorities whether domestic, regional, or international;

*Conducting fundamental and applied research in the form of projects, preparing articles and reports, and holding and participating in specialized conferences, courses, workshops, seminars, and domestic and international meetings;

*To provide expert advice and to offer alternative dispute resolution methods, specifically arbitration in the field of maritime law, at the national, regional, and international levels;

*Other matters requested by the public or private entities to be done within the scope of the overall objectives of the Center.